Vitality Nursing AgencyVitality Nursing AgencyVitality Nursing Agency

Excellence in Healthcare
Connecting you with top-tier nurses
and doctors to ensure exceptional patient care.
Job Seekers
Flexible Staffing
Whether you need temporary hires or
permanent staff, we have the perfect solution for your facility.
For Employers

About Us

At Vitality Nursing Agency, we are dedicated to providing top-quality staffing solutions for healthcare facilities across the United States. Our commitment to excellence, integrity, and compassion ensures that we connect you with highly qualified and dedicated healthcare professionals. Whether you need permanent staff, temporary hires, or a flexible temp-to-hire solution, we have the expertise and resources to meet your needs.

Our Services

Direct Hire

Secure long-term, highly qualified healthcare professionals for your facility. Our comprehensive screening process ensures that only the best candidates become part of your team, providing stability and continuity of care.

Temp to Hire

Evaluate potential permanent staff through a trial period. This flexible solution allows you to assess a candidate's fit within your organization before making a long-term commitment, reducing hiring risks and ensuring the right match.

Temporary Hire

Fill immediate staffing needs with competent professionals ready for short-term assignments. Our temporary hire service ensures your facility remains fully staffed during peak times, special projects, or unexpected absences, maintaining high standards of patient care.

Why Choose Vitality Nursing Agency?

We meticulously screen all candidates to ensure they meet your high standards.

Our staffing specialists work closely with you to provide customized staffing solutions.

Our team has extensive experience in healthcare staffing and understands the unique needs of your facility.

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist with your staffing needs.


Are you an employer looking for an employee or are you looking for greener pastures?

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)